The Benefits Of Massage Guns For Horses

cold laser therapy for horses

Massage guns are one of the latest innovations to aid in the muscle recovery process and since its inception at the time of 2008, they have grown to become a favorite tool of top athletes around the world looking to improve their performance and take charge of their exercise and recovery process. Horses are also known to gain the same benefits.

These are the most significant benefits you receive from a horse massager:

Performance Improvement, Injury Prevention, Recovery

The massager for horses that provides percussive massage, aids in increasing muscle contraction. This results in the strengthening and lengthening of the muscles and tissues. It relaxes muscles and eases tension in the body of the horse. This assists in shortening the recovery duration between training sessions because harmful debris is continuously eliminated , allowing the muscles to recover quickly.

Advanced Vibrational Healing and powerful pain relief

Equine Therapy Systems massage guns can offer vibration therapy and the percussion massage. Equine Therapy Systems massage guns are able to increase blood circulation and lymph circulation which helps increase oxygen and nutrients to muscles. This results in speedy recovery, improved mobility as well as pain relief. It also helps to ease muscle soreness and fatigue.


Massage is a proven method of rehabilitation from injuries for horses and humans. It doesn't just speed up recovery but also prevents injuries from occurring again. The equine massage gun work as an addition to the regular treatment for injuries and promotes healing and recovery of atrophied muscles due to trauma or disease. The improved circulation of the muscles and fascial tissues aids the injured area to be more flexible and recover within an extremely short period of time.

Lactic Acid Release

Lactic acid is formed when oxygen levels in the steed muscles are depleted and their body begins to compensate for the lack of oxygen by turning the newly formed lactate into energy. This usually happens during vigorous exercise and the lactic acid begins to build up in the bloodstream faster than it is able to burn off. This leads to exhaustion and cramps within the muscles. This can be reversed by using an horse massage gun. It aids in the release of lactic acid and other harmful substances from muscles to the tissues surrounding them.

The increase in Lymphatic and Blood Flow

The handheld cold laser offer deep tissue massage, which enhances blood flow as well as stimulates nerve receptors that control the dilation of blood vessels. Lymph is responsible for eliminating toxic substances and waste from the tissues. The flow of lymph is controlled through muscles contractions. This means that less active horses might not be stimulating lymph circulation enough, whereas more active horses might have excessive. This can lead to lymphedema if not controlled. A massage gun can assist you create balance as it increases circulation throughout your lymphatic system.

Activates the Nervous System and Muscles

The nervous system controls the activity of muscles and helps maintain the horse's homeostasis. For every activity on the muscles, the nervous system gets alerted. Massage guns can stimulate receptors of the sympathetic nerve system, which results in vasodilation in muscles and skin which relieves tension, helping muscles relax while improving mobility.